I know most of you realize as you get older that time goes by so fast but it's really obvious when Graduation time comes around. I just can't believe that I have had so many "kids" graduate this year...and 3 of them from College. Wow! How did they get to be so grown and I didn't get any older???
Well, I'm so proud of each of these Graduates and I just wanted to include them in my blog for posterity.
First...Sara Doyle..Graduated from University of Tennessee at Chattanooga. She is planning to go to UT in Knoxville for Graduate work. Here she is with big brother Josh.
Next we have Kelly Simons. She has graduated from GEORGIA. As you can see, I'm a little partial to that school. I'm not sure of her plans but I think they have something to do with San Francisco and photography. Whatever it is, I'm sure there will be lots of traveling and lots of wonderful pictures and stories. She is pictured here with proud mom and dad.
The next college graduate is Ann Callaham. She is the daughter of my first cousin Myron. I don't have any recent pictures as yet but after this blog, I'm sure I'll get one. She graduated Summa Cum Laude (not shabby) from Cambellsville University in Cambellsville, Kentucky. As for her future plans, she will be leaving in September for East Africa to teach. I know she will be a great blessing for those children and they will also be a great blessing to her.
Next we have the High School Graduates. First, Paul Daniel Grant. As most of you know, Ron and I have another family...The Grants...all 10 of them. Paul is number 3 and the first boy. He graduated from Ringgold High School with honors. He's come a long way from that premature baby boy. His plans right now are to attend Dalton College. Here is a picture of all the Kids.

Next is our niece, Courtney Marie Ideker. She graduated from Alpharetta High School while attending Valdosta State College. Talk about multitasking... Her plans are to attend University of GEORGIA in accounting(I think). Right now her dad (UTK Graduate) is having a hard time changing colors but I think he'll adjust. Mom and Dad are on the left and Grandad is on the right.
Next is another cousin. David Crabtree. His dad is my first cousin (Kenny). We don't get to see that much of them but we still want to acknowledge his achievement. He graduated from East Coweta High School in Sharpsburg, Geogia (close to Newnan). I'm not sure of his future plans as yet but hope to get pictures and more info very soon.
And last but not least is my great nephew Patrick Graham. He graduated from Chattanooga Christian Middle school. It doesn't seem possible that he's 14. He will continue at CCS and I'm sure I'll be blogging about his future college plans before you know it.